ACS plugin - commentaires ACS plugin : sections translations 2009-07-01T20:37:39Z 2009-07-01T20:37:39Z <p>ACS do not provide anything more than SPIP itself for sections translations. Sections translations in SPIP are not directly managed. You must use any SPIP translation mechanism («<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>multi<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>» fields, navigation by lang in sections, etc.). ACS helps you for the pages template's translations and not for page's content translations. ACS administration GUI enable translations files edition, directly in SPIP, without FTP or SSH connection, for templates. Furthermore, some Cat's components in ACS distribution provides icons for the same article in other languages, if exists. That's all.</p> ACS plugin 2009-06-23T15:03:23Z 2009-06-23T15:03:23Z <p>Your plugin is wonderful<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>! I've never seen something like that before. But how can I get translations for rubrics<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>?</p>