Multiviewer Plugin modded to SPIP 1.9.2

A modified version of the Plugin Multiviewer to SPIP 1.9.2
which incorporates the ImageRotator viewer.
Supplied with a full screen display Skeleton for Multiviewer Plugin.

An adaptation of the Multiviewer Plugin for SPIP 1.9.2

Plugin Multiviewer modifié Spip1.9.2 par Gezus

Download Multiviewer plugin for SPIP 1.9.2 modded by Gezus

  • I made this plugin compatible with SPIP 1.9.2 by modifiying the code
    Changes to version 1.0.3 of the plugin
  • Call to some functions used in the definition files and call of viewers (addon-viewer.php and MVW_definition_viewer.php) for compatibility issues.
  • Changing the swfobject.js Javascript file for compatibility issues.
  • Integration of Flash viewer imagerotator in the Multiviewer.
  • Addition of definition files and call for the Pro version of SimpleViewer : simpleviewerpro.
  • Changed parameters of tag #MULTIVIEWER to accept the new viewer : imagerotator and simpleviewerpro.
  • Configuration file of the plugin has also been modified to allow use for larger galleries in full screen, obviously it works well on my SPIP 1.9.2d install.

See an example of Multiviewer with large layout

A fullscreen skeleton for easy use of the Multiviewer Plugin

Squelette multiviewer par GezuS

Download Skeleton Multiviewer_skel.html by Gezus

See an example of multiviewer_skel used in full screen mode

-  I created a skeleton for the multiviewer to display in a full screen browser page.

The skeleton « multiviewer_skel » can display a web page containing only the viewer and 2 links at the top of web page : Go Full-screen / Exit.

The full-screen link opens a popup full page (adapted automatically to the resolution of the user) and stripped of unnecessary :
without toolbar, nor favorites, nor address bar, nor quick access buttons, nor menu, nothing !

As window behavior, parent window of the popup should close automatically after 5 seconds, leaving only popup stripped and ready for full screen.

In this popup, pressing F11 should lead to real full-screen in most browsers.

Default configuration of skeleton :

-  The skeleton only takes jpeg documents, but you can easily add the png and gif extensions to the loop.
-  The skeleton uses the viewer « SimpleViewer » by default, you can easily change it.

How to use this skeleton in a simple way

-  To create a link to the skeleton in article.html (or others skeleton pages) :
#URL_PAGE{multiviewer_skel, id_article = #ID_ARTICLE}

-  Or directly in text field of an article by creating a link to the following address :
where #id_article is the id of current article.

To be improved :

The skeleton file is provided as-is, not finalized at all, it has not been tested much by lack of time.
Tested in Firefox and IE a bit, with Linux and Windows on a PC and mac, it behaves well enough to use the full screen ... I have not yet managed to activate the native support for full screen in viewer’s options.

Much to do in config files of viewers, apparently they bear a lot of parameters

Actually the plugin loads the photos from the directory /IMG/spip. Instead, it would be interesting to load instead thumbnails versions of images using the directory /local/cache-vignettes/ in order to improve loading times.
The viewers have a specific parameter for setting thumbnail’s directory and this setting seems not supported by multiviewer plugin for now.

Thanks to C. Boutin for his nice plugin,
and to F. Turner (airtightinteractive) for these rubbish flash viewers,
and J. Wijering for ImageRotator

See online : Source article on (french language)


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  • Cherchez et notez les numéros de version de tout ce qui est en place au moment du test :
    • version de SPIP, en bas de la partie privée
    • version du plugin testé et des éventuels plugins nécessités
    • version de PHP (exec=info en partie privée)
    • version de MySQL / SQLite
  • Si votre problème concerne la partie publique de votre site, donnez une URL où le bug est visible, pour que les gens puissent voir par eux-mêmes.
  • En cas de page blanche, merci d’activer l’affichage des erreurs, et d’indiquer ensuite l’erreur qui apparaît.

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