Additional administration buttons in a plugin

This plugin will add a few additional administration buttons to your SPIP site’s public area. These buttons will allow you to directly edit the content of an article or section, access a private area from anywhere in your site, or create a new article (among other things) without having to leave the “public side” of your site.

Plugin updates : See on bottom.


This plugin will add a few additional administration buttons to your
SPIP site’s public area. These buttons will allow you to directly edit
the content of an article or section, access a private area from
anywhere in your site, or create a new article (among other things)
without having to leave the « public side » of your site.

The plugin will also allow you to show or hide the full button bar with
a click of a button, so you can free up some screen space while in the
site’s public area. Your preference for the button bar (« visible » or
« hidden ») is saved in a cookie so the only time you will have to set
this option is the first time you use it.

The technology at work in this plugin (which overrides file formulaire_admin.html) is not new or unique ; it is already in use and explained here. The only difference is that it now works as a plugin and there is
no need to modify any files or templates, and it also allows for easy

The text on the buttons is localized, and is displayed in your chosen
language. The « show/hide » capability is quite new and uses javascript.

Please note that all edits made using this plugin are automatically
classified in the section you are visiting on the public side of your site.

This plugin is distributed under the GNU/GPL licence.


As for any other plugin, you just need to download following archive, unzip it, and move extracted folder to SPIP’s /plugins directory. The plugin must be activated through the private area.

Version 2.4.1

Please refer to the Spip official documentation for any further detail concerning plugins.

New buttons available

The plugin proposes following options, some of these appearing according to the context. Bold descriptions indicates that the button appears only for administrators who activated their administration cookie, and not to contributors who have no rights to perform such action :

-  Keep the buttons on-top and fixed (

Icône indiquant que la barre de boutons est au premier plan

) or not (

Icône indiquant que la barre de boutons n’est pas au premier plan

) ;
-  Name of the current connected user and link to its page ;
-  XML debugger ;
-  Write a new article (in active section) ;
-  Create a new section (as a subsection of the active one) ;
-  Reference a new website (in active section) ;
-  Write a news item (in active section) ;
-  Edit content of active section, article, news item ;
-  Modify active section, article, keyword, referenced website, author ;
-  Refresh page (

Icône de recalcul de pages
Tirée du jeu d’icônes Nuvola, sous licence LGPL


Icône de recalcul de pages (recalcul nécessaire)

if a refresh is needed) ;
-  Statistics ;
-  Preview ;
-  Acces private area (button appears on each page on not only on summary) ;
-  Template debugger ;
-  Logging out (

) ;
-  Hide (

Icône servant à masquer la barre de boutons
Tirée du jeu d’icônes Nuvola, sous licence LGPL

) / Show (

Icône servant à afficher la barre de boutons
Tirée du jeu d’icônes Nuvola, sous licence LGPL

) buttons bar.

Some of these buttons allready exists in spip’s core distribution.

A few screenshots

View the bar on the home page
View the bar on an article
View the bar on a (sub)section
View when the bar is hidden


This plugin is now developped collectively through SVN on Spip-Zone. The present archive is consequently likely to be updated frequently with minor modification which won’t be reported here anymore.

See to check for versioning.

-  Last known major modifications :

Version 1.2 :
-  This version now displays some of its options to administrators only (and not to all contributors) in order to avoid error messages relative to rights granted on the private area).
-  The « refresh » button is also replaced by an icon, to gain space.

Version 1.3 :
-  The « Preview » button, which has been removed by mistake, has been replaced.
-  New option added : « Edit this News Item ».

Version 1.4 :
-  The « show / hide » option is now Internet Explorer 6 complient.
-  When a user logged off, buttons now disappear (they stood in place before, until you broke the identification cookie, meaning « connecting using a different ID » for exemple...).

Version 2 :
-  A PHP configuration file has been added, allowing to hide some options. As it is written in PHP, it’s now possible to use conditions to handle options’ display.

Version 2.1 :
-  A new button now allows to keep the bar fixed on top of your screen while scrolling on your website’s pages. This option does NOT work on Internet Explorer 6 (which does not handle the position:fixed; CSS property.

Version 2.2 :
-  The plugin has been made Spip 1.9.2 complient (and also Spip 2.0 complient, as I could notice on my own. Feedbacks warmly welcome !)
-  Adding a configuration option allowing to display the buttons vertically on the right side of your screen.

Version 2.3 :
-  Adding a confirmation message behind the « Log Off » button (mainly to avoid accidental disconnections in case of a mistaken click)

Version 2.4 :
-  Buttons which were not « localized » are now available in ever languages you maintain in the plugin’s /lang directory.
-  The « refresh » button now becomes like

Icône de recalcul de pages (recalcul nécessaire)

when a refresh of the page is needed.


This plugin works fine on SPIP 1.9.1, 1.9.2. and 2.0 (versions : SVN, RC & Stable)

-  Plugin originally developped by Vincent RAMOS, following a contribution by Balluche.
-  This notice was translated from French by Etienne B..
-  Many thanks to Shelly from Spip-En mailing list for her help and correction work on this notice.


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Avant de faire part d’un problème sur un plugin X, merci de lire ce qui suit :

  • Désactiver tous les plugins que vous ne voulez pas tester afin de vous assurer que le bug vient bien du plugin X. Cela vous évitera d’écrire sur le forum d’une contribution qui n’est finalement pas en cause.
  • Cherchez et notez les numéros de version de tout ce qui est en place au moment du test :
    • version de SPIP, en bas de la partie privée
    • version du plugin testé et des éventuels plugins nécessités
    • version de PHP (exec=info en partie privée)
    • version de MySQL / SQLite
  • Si votre problème concerne la partie publique de votre site, donnez une URL où le bug est visible, pour que les gens puissent voir par eux-mêmes.
  • En cas de page blanche, merci d’activer l’affichage des erreurs, et d’indiquer ensuite l’erreur qui apparaît.

Merci d’avance pour les personnes qui vous aideront !

Par ailleurs, n’oubliez pas que les contributeurs et contributrices ont une vie en dehors de SPIP.

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