How to get rid of the &laquo; Modify this article &raquo; and &laquo; Recalculate this page &raquo; buttons ? - commentaires How to get rid of the « Modify this article » and « Recalculate this page » buttons<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>? 2007-03-31T07:34:07Z 2007-03-31T07:34:07Z <p>I remember when I first used SPIP that I was scared of what visitors might do with these buttons<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>! But then I logged out and the buttons disappeared so I knew they were not visible to visitors<small class="fine d-inline"> </small>!</p> <p><a href="" class="spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>World Trade Way</a></p>